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Advisory Committees

Advanced Academics Advisory Committee
This district-wide committee includes parent representatives of students that have been identified as gifted and talented from each campus and the Advanced Academics Coordinator. The committee addresses the needs of the students in the Advanced Academics program and meets at least four times during the school year.

Campus Improvement Committee (CIC)
Each campus has its own CIC, which includes professional school staff, parents, community and business members. CIC meets monthly at their respective campuses to address the needs and issues of the campus and make recommendations to the principal.

Career & Technical Advisory Committee (CTAC)
This district-wide committee includes district personnel, business and industry members, and representatives from local agencies, parents, and community members. CTAC meets twice a year to gather businesses and industries input and formulate recommendations for the district's Career and Technical Education programs.

Community Bond Accountability Committee (CBAC)
This district-wide committee includes district personnel, parents, students and community members. After each bond election is approved by voters, the Board of Trustees will pass a resolution creating the committee for the bond program. CBAC will advise the Board in the planning and implementation of the projects funded by a bond issue, and in evaluating the bond program. CBAC will not exceed 14 members, will meet quarterly and report to the Board of Trustees twice a year.

District Advisory Committee (DAC)
This district-level planning and decision-making committee includes professional staff from campuses and central office, parents of Canutillo students, community and business members. DAC meets at least once a month to discuss and formulate recommendations regarding the District's educational program for the Superintendent and Board of Trustees.
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Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC)
Each campus has its own LPAC, which includes an administrator, teachers, paraprofessionals and parents. LPAC meets at least once a month or as needed to assess the English Language Learners progress and determine placement in programs. 

Migrant Parent Advisory Committee (MPAC)
This district-wide committee includes district personnel and a parent from each campus to address the needs of the Migrant Program. MPAC meets once every two months.

Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Each campus has its own PAC, which includes teachers, other school personnel and parents. PAC is open to all parents who are interested in school matters, want to make a difference and produce positive results for all students. Meetings are held several times a year at the various campuses.

School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
This district-wide advisory council includes district personnel, parents, and community and business members. SHAC meets once a month to discuss student health issues.

Technology Advisory Committee (TAC)
This district-wide committee includes district personnel, parents, students, and community and business members. TAC meets quarterly throughout the school year, evaluates the recommendations to the Technology Department.