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District Programs

Advanced Academics (Gifted and Talented/GT) Program
Students are identified through a testing process after they have been nominated by a teacher or a parent.

Kindergarten - Middle School
Each elementary campus has an Advanced Academics (AA) Teacher who...

...Works with the inclusion teachers to plan lessons, give ideas, and give support. These classroom teachers then differentiate their curriculum for the (AA) students within their classrooms in terms of depth and complexity.

...Regularly pulls out the elementary and 6th grade GT students and works with them by either grade level and/or content area.

Advanced Placement
The goal of PreAP/AP instruction is to prepare a maximum number of students for success on the Advanced Placement exam. AP courses include AP English III, AP English IV, AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, AP Macroeconomics, AP Government, AP Spanish, AP French, AP U.S. History, AP World History, AP Statistics and AP Computer Science.

Bilingual Education Programs
CISD provides all students the opportunity to become academically proficient in two languages. CISD offers two models of bilingual education programs:

One-Way Bilingual Education Program allows English Learners (EL) to fully develop and maintain their native language while learning English. The subject areas are taught in the native language with daily instruction in English. Instruction in English increases gradually until students reach the same level of proficiency in both languages.

Two Way Dual Language Program allows an equal number of English Learners and English speaking students to be taught together in an effort to develop full academic bi-literacy for both groups. All participating students receive instruction in language arts and content subjects in English and Spanish beginning in kindergarten.

Career Pathways
Students enrolled in grades seven through twelve are guided in their process of planning for the future by selecting one of seven career pathways:

  •  Agricultural Science and Technology
  •  Art
  •  Communications and Media
  •  Business and Marketing
  •  Human Development, Management and Service
  •  Health Science and Technology; Industrial and Engineering Technology
  •  Personal, Protective and Public Service.

When students begin making pathway decisions, they are individually counseled to ensure courses selected match their interests and aptitudes.

Culinary Arts Program
CISD provides a program of study in the Culinary Arts field. The program provides training opportunities in employment, food service, hospitality and tourism industries. Training is designed to develop knowledge and skills in the area of culinary arts for students.

Distinguished Achievement Program
The Canutillo Independent School District promotes participation in the Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP) by providing several options and educational opportunities for students to earn this extraordinary education distinction. The DAP requires high levels of academic performance beyond the expected of students in high school Students who wish to complete the DAP and have the accomplishment recognized on their transcript must complete all required courses and four advanced measures.

Diversified Career Preparation
Students in their senior year are given the opportunity to participate in work-based learning experiences. DAP students serve in paid or unpaid internships under the supervision of a teacher who coordinates a training plan with employers while students are taking a class to strengthen their knowledge of the world facing today's workforce.

Dual Credit
El Paso Community College offers fundamental core courses to qualified high school juniors and seniors at Canutillo High School in the areas of English and History. Students receive both high school credit and college credits for the courses they take in the dual credit program. The college class is a replacement rather that an addition. Students take just one class-the college class-and get both high school and college credit for it. The courses are taught by certified college school instructors who have been approved by the appropriate El Paso Community College Academic departments. Dual credit courses offered at CHS include: English III, English IV, U.S. History, Government/Economics, Pre-Calculus and Education 1300.

Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps
Cadets learn and practice the traits and principles of leadership, self-confidence, discipline and responsibility. Cadets also receive instruction in Leadership Theory and Applications, Wellness, Fitness, First Aid, Geography, Earth Science, Citizenship, American History, marksmanship and Map Reading.

Ninth Grade Initiative
The Ninth Grade Initiative program is designed to reduce dropout rates, increase academic performance and attendance and to emphasize basic skills that are essential for student success while at CHS. Support services including individualized instruction and academic interventions are provided on a daily basis.

Student Trainer
Student athletic trainers are exposed to the care, prevention, recognition and rehabilitation of athletic injuries and illness. This course is a hands-on class assisting all Canutillo High School athletic teams with the prevention and care of injured athletes during practice and games.

Texas Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish Language Middle School Program
The AP Spanish Language Middle School Program is designed to raise the academic expectations of native Spanish-speaking students to engage them in early preparation for college success. This program gives students the opportunity to earn up to 3 high school credits and 1 college credit in Spanish before leaving middle school.