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Bilingual Education Research
Click on the following links to access research studies, opinion articles, state and federal reports, and other resources on legislation and policies affecting English learners. These links are provided for information only. No endorsement by Canutillo ISD is implied.
Bilingual Education Resources
Texas Association for Bilingual Education
Texas Education Agency--Bilingual Education Page
Center on Education Policy
The most comprehensive and nonpartisan progress report of its kind to date, "Year 3 of the No Child Left Behind Act" features both favorable and unfavorable reactions by state and district officials; the accountability system for ELLs draws widespread criticism (March 2005).
The Astounding Effectiveness of Dual Language Education for All
Virginia P. Collier and Wayne P. Thomas
George Mason University
Office of English Language Acquisition (US. Department of Education)
Congressionally mandated, biennial report on Title III emphasizes "significant progress" in state programs for ELLs; the fine print tells a different story (March 2005).
National Conference of State Legislatures
Bipartisan taskforce report critiques NCLB as flawed and unconstitutional system of accountability (February 2005).
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
"No Child Left Behind: Three Years On." Part I of this report assesses the impact on local school districts; Part II, on state and federal levels (February 2005).
Education Policy Studies Laboratory (Arizona State University)
Report by Wayne E. Wright, a NABE 2005 dissertation award winner, on the implications of NCLB for language-minority students.
Council for the Great City Schools
Report on the fiscal impact of Title III, NCLB in urban schools (Fall 2004).
New Politics (Winter 2005)
A special symposium of this journal analyzes the politics of NCLB from the viewpoints of progressive educators including Stan Karp, Lois Weiner, Michele Brooks, Michael Charney, and Carlos Alberto Torres.
Rethinking Schools
Perhaps the most extensive compendium of in-depth analyses by critics of NCLB, pulled from the archives of this progressive journal.
Center on Education Policy
Site including numerous resources on NCLB, including papers from policy forums, political analyses, and editorials. Click here to access the September 2004 forum on ELLs and students with disabilities.
ARC Associates
Study in San Francisco, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, recommends that ELLs be exempted from content area assessments for at least three years and that the results of a single standardized test are especially misleading for this population September 2004).
Harvard Civil Rights Project
Comprehensive survey on teacher attitudes toward NCLB (September 2004).
Daily updates on NCLB-related news and "atrocities" by one of the most articulate voices in American education.
National Education Association
Gateway to research and analysis of NCLB by the nation's largest teachers union.
Commonwealth Institute
Report on "Responding to the Attack on Public Education and Teacher Unions" (November 2004).
Title I Report
Technical guidance on NCLB, Title III, by James Crawford (Spring 2002).
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
Resource page includes several articles focusing on ELL issues under NCLB, along with a guide to analyses by nonprofit organizations and a searchable database on NCLB resources.
Council of Chief State School Officers
Detailed guidance about the technical requirements of NCLB and the law's impact on various aspects of school reform.
U.S. Department of Education
Official site explaining the Bush administration's policies on NCLB