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Bilingual ESL Certification

If you are a PK-12 teacher and would like to obtain your Bilingual or ESL Certification. We have compiled a variety of resources that can help you take the next step in your career. Please follow the links listed below to find test dates, preparation manuals, fees, registration procedures, and more. Please feel free to explore these sites and contact our department if you have any questions.

Bilingual Certification 

If you are seeking the bilingual certification you will be required to take the Bilingual Supplemental TExES (164) and the BTLPT (190) exams.

ESL Certification

If you are seeking the ESL certification, you will be required to take the ESL Supplemental TExES (154) exam.

Bilingual/ESL Certification FAQs

If you have any questions please contact the ALS department at 915-877-7439.