CTE Course Endorsements
Canutillo ISD students may earn one or more endorsements as part of their graduation requirements. Endorsements consist of a related series of courses that are grouped together by interest or skill set. Endorsements are also known as Academy's.
Academy's or endorsements provide students with in-depth knowledge of a subject area. Students must select an endorsement their 8th grade year to begin their 9th grade year. Districts and charters are not required to offer all endorsements. If only one endorsement is offered, it must be multi-disciplinary studies. Students earn an endorsement by completing the curriculum requirements for the endorsement, including a 4th credit of math and science and 2 additional elective credits.
The journey of a CTE student:
Participate = Student completes 1 of the CTE courses
Explorer = Student completes 2 or more CTE courses not in sequence
Concentrator = Student completes 2 or more CTE courses in sequence
Completer = Student completes 3 or more CTE courses in sequence
Click on any of the three endorsements or academy's listed on the left of the page to learn more about the related series of courses known as programs of study. Within the respective program of study you may find information such as course descriptions, course sequence, prerequisites, Industry Based Certifications (IBC) offered, Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO)'s associated with the program of study, and finally, careers that are associated with the program of study, and college degree programs that lead to a postsecondary education.