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For next school year 2024-2025

What is P-TECH?
P-TECH or Pathways in Technology Early College High School is a College and Career Readiness Model approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to help prepare students for their future through academic, technical, and work place skills.
Why join P-TECH?
The Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) model is designed to ensure that high school curriculum focuses on workforce needs and partnerships that support students in obtaining credentials, degrees and certificates. With the support of Educate Texas and the Texas Education Agency (TEA),participating schools target thriving industries in their region, to address key workforce pathways in high-demand fields.

Click here to download P-TECH flyer 
Haga clic aquí para descargar el volante de P-TECH

Proud partners in education with El Paso Community College