New Teacher Academy
New Teachers are welcomed into Canutillo ISD and supported with the New Teacher Academy. The New Teacher Coordinator provides ongoing professional development to teachers in subjects ranging from The First Days of School and Becoming an Effective Teacher to Learning for All. Professional development for new teachers begins in August and culminates in April or May with a graduation celebration.
- New Teacher Academy Curriculum
- Professional Development & Partner Schools
- Student Teaching at Canutillo ISD
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Observations
New Teacher Academy Curriculum
Heart of Teaching Mission Statement
The First Year Teacher will:
- Be convinced of the impact on the lives of their students;
- Be prepared to start the first days of school with confidence;
- Have a well-organized and managed classroom, conducive to learning;
- Lead a classroom characterized by respect, compassion, and high expectations for student learning and behavior;
- Create a learning environment that meets the needs of all students;
- Plan, prepare, teach and assess lessons in a way that leads to mastery;
- Develop a partnership with parents for the benefit of students;
- Exhibit professionalism and integrity in and out of the classroom;
- Be supported and encouraged through a relationship with a trained mentor; and
- Enjoy a healthy and happy first year.
Program Overview
The Heart of Teaching consists of ten learning sections. They are:
1. Becoming an Effective Teacher;
2. Getting Ready for the First Days;
3. Managing the Classroom;
4. Maintaining Effective Discipline;
5. Understanding Personalities and Styles;
6a. Teaching For Learning;
6b. Teaching for Thinking;
6c. Teaching for Teamwork;
7. Working with Parents and Families;
8. Being a Professional Educator;
9. Working in Community and With a Mentor; and
10. Managing Stress
New Teacher Academy
Teachers receive professional development from the Ginger Tucker, "Heart ofTeaching" Series as well as "The First Days of School" by Harry Wong,the New Teacher Center, and the TxBess program. Teachers receive aCalendar of Events with professional development dates and PLC meetingdates. Teachers are also observed by the District mentor and providedfeedback. The Employee Development Coordinator and the CampusInstructional Coach serve as District mentors to new teachers. Inaddition, PLC members also work to provide support to the new teacherson each campus.
New Teacher Resources/Links
Professional Development & Partner Schools
These are learner-centered communities where student teachers and university faculty members take an active role in inquiry-based practice, research, professional development, and more. CISD must commit to host a minimum of 10 student teachers; space and facilities for the delivery of UTEP courses, technology full campus engagement in the PDS program and any additional requirements as listed below.
Partner Schools
Student Teaching at Canutillo ISD
Canutillo ISD is pleased to welcome students from Texas Universities, Region 19 and Texas ACP who have studied to become a teacher. Teaching is a very rewarding career and many, many teachers have changed the lives of their students. Selecting a District for a student teaching internship is important because student teachers need to ensure they have selected a District where they are welcomed and receive a high quality student teaching experience. Many student teachers become permanent employees. Student teaching is an integral and very valuable part of studying to become a teacher.
Student teachers are required to attend the Student Teacher Orientation prior to reporting to their assigned campus. Orientation is held in the fall and the spring and typically occurs the week before teachers are scheduled to return. Contact the Curriculum & Instruction Department at 877-7440 for information regarding times and location.
The University Student Application, background check forms and the TB screening form are available online about one month prior to the student teacher orientation. Students are required to pay a small fee for the background check. In addition, students are required to submit a copy of their driver’s license. For those students who attend UTEP, The UTEP Health Center has a copy of the TB screening form on file. If the student is not able to go to The Health Center, students may go to any health facility. The Health Center/Health Facility make the final decision if a TB test is needed based on the answers to the questions on the form. Students are urged to complete the TB screening prior to bringing in the University Student Application. Student teachers will receive an identification badge during orientation provided they have been cleared. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure they have been cleared prior to reporting to their assigned campus.
Follow these steps to access the University Student Application online:
- Login to the Canutillo ISD website. (
- Click on Departments.
- A drop down menu appears with a list of Departments. Click on Human Resources.
- Click on Jobline under Human Resources.
- Print out all the forms, and fill them out.
- Bring all forms to Canutillo ISD. Be prepared to pay a small fee for your background check. Please be sure all information is current.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What kind of offenses can result in the request for further documentation or even prohibit a clearance?
Crimes involving moral turpitude, which include dishonesty, fraud; deceit; theft; misrepresentation; deliberate violence; base vile or depraved acts that are intended to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of the actor; felony possession, transfer, sale, distribution or conspiracy to possess, transfer, sell or distribute any controlled substance defined in chapter 481 of the Health and Safety Code; Acts constituting public intoxication; operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or disorderly conduct. - What do I do if I need to be absent?
Notify your cooperating teacher and the campus administrator if you will be absent. Please check with your program about any questions related to being absent. - May I substitute teach while I am student teaching?
Check with your program. Once your student teaching has been completed, students are welcome to apply for a substitute position. - Can I student teach while I am an employee of the District?
No. Students employed by the District will be required to resign from their position before they start their student teaching. - What do I need to do if I cannot attend orientation?
Please contact the Curriculum & Instruction Department at 877-7486 or 877-7440 for more information. - How will I know if I have been cleared?
All students who have been cleared will receive their identification badge during orientation. Any student who is not cleared by the orientation date cannot report to their assigned campus. It is the responsibility of the student to contact Curriculum & Instruction to find out if they have been cleared. Students are also welcome to call before orientation to find out if they have been cleared. The contact information if Curriculum & Instruction Department at 877-7486 or 877-7440 for more information.
Observations are also another integral part of studying to become a teacher, and Canutillo ISD welcomes students who are working on classroom observations hours.
Students who need to complete observation hours must follow the steps listed below:
- Students who need to complete observation hours must first determine the campus in the District where they are interested in doing observation hours.
- Once that decision has been made, the student must contact the campus administrator for approval.
- Once the administrator has approved the request, the student will need to contact the Campus Parent Liaison for background paperwork. A TB screening is not required for students who are doing observations. The student must be prepared to pay a small fee for the background check.
- The Parent Liaison will submit the required paperwork for approval.
- Once the student is cleared, it is the students’ responsibility to establish a schedule for conducting classroom observations with the campus. In addition, if the student is not able to report, it is the students’ responsibility to notify the campus of the absence.
- For further information about conducting observations at Canutillo ISD contact the Curriculum & Instruction Department at 877-7486.
Contact Us
Sandra Carrillo
New Teacher Coordinator