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District Alternative Education Program - Lone Star Academy

The Discipline Alternative Education Program at Canutillo ISD houses students in grades 6-12 who are expelled from their home campuses for mandatory or discretionary disciplinary reasons. Students placed at the Lone Star Academy ranges from 15 days to 180 days. Students are to receive daily instruction in the four core content areas by certified teachers, and they are supported in their elective classes. The Lone Star Academy’s personnel includes 1 coordinator, 1 counselor, 5 teachers, and 2 instructional aides. The Lone Star Academy (DAEP) was established in conformance with the Texas Education Code (TEC), §37.008, and this section is defined as an educational and self-discipline alternative instructional program, adopted by local policy. 


To prepare our students to function, academically and socially, by providing educational services that reduce the risk of recidivism upon their return to a regular school environment.


Empowering the students to obtain the skills to grow socially and emotionally by providing a campus wide positive behavior interventions and supports program including the following core values: Respect, Responsibility and Safety

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Contact Us

Lone Star Bldg.
7000 Fifth St.
Canutillo, TX 79935

(915) 977 - 7677

Salvador Garcia

School Start Time: 8:00 a.m.
School End Time: 3:30 p.m.