Military Culture
United States Army (USA)
United States Navy (USN)
United States Marine Corps (USMC)
United States Air Force (USAF)
United States Navy (USN)
United States Marine Corps (USMC)
United States Air Force (USAF)
- State Entity
Texas Army National Guard
- Federal Entity
Army Reserves
Navy Reserves
Air Force Reserve
Marine Corps Reserve
Coast guards Reserve
- One weekend a month, two weeks a year.
- Organized trainings, and equipped like active-duty components
- Can be places on active-duty orders.
- Joe - Refers to a soldier
- AWOL - Absent Without Official Leave
- Formation - A formation of troops utilized for accountability
- LES - Leave and Earning Statement
- AAFES - Army and Airforce Exchange. (store)
- ASYMCA - Armed services YMCA
- CAC - Common access card - issued to the service member
- CDC - Child Development Center
- EFMP - Exceptional Family Member
- DD2114 - Certificate of release or discharge from active duty
- SFRG - Service-member Family Readiness Group
- SHARP - Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program
- SOP - Standard operating Procedures
- TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
- PCS - Permanent change of duty station