Child Find
If you suspect an infant, child, or young adult of having a developmental delay or disability, CISD wants you to know that we can help.
The student may be eligible for services at no cost, under Federal and Texas Laws.
IDEA—(Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) provides resources and guidelines for children with disabilities. According to the Law, disabilities may include: intellectual disability, hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech or language impairments, serious emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments, or specific learning disabilities; and who by reason thereof, need special education and related services.”
If you reside within the Canutillo Independent School District, Please contact the Special Education Office for more information, or check out the CISD website under CHILD FIND
Encontrar a un niño
Si usted sospecha que un niño o joven tiene algún retraso en su desarrollo o discapacidad, el Distrito escolar de Canutillo quiere que usted sepa que podemos ayudar.
El alumno(a) puede calificar para recibir servicios sin ningún costo como dicta la Ley federal y las leyes de Texas.
IDEA—(Ley educativa para individuos con discapacidades ) provee recursos y lineamientos para niños con discapacidades.
Según la ley, discapacidades puede incluir los siguiente: Discapacidad intelectual, en el habla, sordera, ceguera, trastornos emocionales serios, impedimentos ortopédicos, autismo, heridas al cerebro otros trastornos de salud o específicos a las discapacidades del aprendizaje por los cuales necesitan atención especial educativa o los servicios relacionados.
Si usted vive en el Distrito escolar independiente de Canutillo, favor de llamar a la oficina de Servicios de educación especial para más información.
Overview links of Special Education Evaluation Process
- Overview of Special Education for Parents- English
- Información general para los padres sobre la educacion especial- Spanish
Child Find Process for Parentally Placed Private School Children with Disabilities
Child Find FAQ's
- When I give consent for my child to be evaluated, what does this mean?
- Who can request an evaluation for special education:
- What is the special education evaluation timeline?
- What are the disability conditions under IDEA?
- Evaluation & ARDs
- IEPs
- Health & Safety
- Services & Supports