Special Education and 504 Student Records Request
To request Special Education Student Records please use eSped, if you have that capability. Otherwise please email elerma@canutillo-isd.org or Fax 915-877-7529.
To request Section 504 Student Records please use eSped, if you have that capability. Otherwise please email cluna@canutillo-isd.org or Fax 915-877-7529.
Be sure to include the following information:
- The NAME/SCHOOL/AGENCY of the person requesting records
- Requester's Address, to where you want the records sent (please indicate if you would prefer it sent via fax, instead of USPS mail)
- Requesters Phone number
- Students First & Last Name
- Students Date of Birth
- Please identify below on the documents you are requesting
- Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
- Full Individual Evaluation (FIE)
- 504 Plan
- Other, please specify
Please Note: If you are a parent and requested to pick up your child's records please bring proof of identification. If you have any questions please call our Special Programs & Services:
Contact Us
Special Education:
(915) 877 - 7448
Section 504:
(915) 877 - 7468.
Main Office:
(915) 877 - 7450