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Special Education and 504 Student Records Request

To request Special Education Student Records please use eSped, if you have that capability. Otherwise please email or Fax 915-877-7529.

To request Section 504 Student Records please use eSped, if you have that capability. Otherwise please email or Fax 915-877-7529.

Be sure to include the following information:

  1. The NAME/SCHOOL/AGENCY of the person requesting records
  2. Requester's Address, to where you want the records sent (please indicate if you would prefer it sent via fax, instead of USPS mail)
  3. Requesters Phone number
  4. Students First & Last Name
  5. Students Date of Birth
  6. Please identify below on the documents you are requesting
    • Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
    • Full Individual Evaluation (FIE)
    • 504 Plan
    • Other, please specify

Please Note: If you are a parent and requested to pick up your child's records please bring proof of identification. If you have any questions please call our Special Programs & Services:

Contact Us

Special Education:
(915) 877 - 7448

Section 504:
(915) 877 - 7468.

Main Office:
(915) 877 - 7450