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Physical Education & Health Education

CISD PE/HE educates all students to be physically active, healthy, and lifelong learners of health and wellness. Students participate in a variety of activities that develop healthy behaviors, encouraging healthy decision-making, appropriate social skills, and lifelong physical fitness in and outside of the school campus.

CISD PE/HE departments’ goals are to graduate students who:
  • HAVE learned skills necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition and physical activity
  • KNOW the implications of and the benefits from involvement in physical activities
  • DO include healthy habits including physical activity in daily life
  • ARE fit, healthy and ready to learn
  • VALUE physical activity and health as they relate to a healthy lifestyle

Contact Us

Lone Star Bldg.
7000 Fifth St.
Canutillo, TX 79935

Nancy Torres
School Health Facilitator