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Canutillo baseball, softball fields lights Bond project kicks off

Canutillo baseball, softball fields lights Bond project kicks off

If you install them, they will come … and they will play at night. 

The Canutillo Independent School District on Wednesday broke ground on the installation of state-of-the-art lighting systems in the Canutillo High School baseball and softball fields, the first project in the Canutillo Bond program voters approved in May. 

The installation of the $620,000 lighting system will finally allow Canutillo to host after-school and evening home baseball and softball games. 

“This is going to make a huge difference for us. This is going to make us even more competitive,” said Canutillo High baseball captain Ian Melendez. “We are now able to play at night and not worry about missing class because we have to play before the sun comes down.”

The new lighting system will include features like wireless controls, color-changing technology, advanced integration to video and audio displays and reduced energy consumption.    

Canutillo High has been the only 5A school with no lighting. To accommodate home games, baseball and softball players were pulled from some afternoon classes to complete matches before sunset. 

Completion of the lighting installation will take three months and will be ready by the start of the softball and baseball season in the spring. 

The lighting was designed by MNK Architects and installed by Musco Lighting. All Canutillo Bond projects are managed by PROCEDEO Group on behalf of the District. 

This project is part of the $386.2-million bond program Canutillo voters approved in May to right place schools, address infrastructure and provide upgrades to safety and security programs. 

“This lighting project is the first in many investments we are ready to make to benefit our students, teachers and community,” Superintendent Dr. Pedro Galaviz said. “Thanks to the voters in the district we are now on pace to transform tomorrow together.” 


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