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Canutillo Elementary School, educator earn Extra Yard for Teachers Grant

Canutillo Elementary School, educator earn Extra Yard for Teachers Grant
It’s college football season and Conference USA, along with the College Football Playoff (CFP) Foundation (CFP) are taking the opportunity to honor the teachers and schools who helped prepare the student athletes hitting the gridiron.
Through the Extra Yard for Teachers Program, C-USA and CFP Foundation on Tuesday awarded Canutillo Elementary with a $5,000 grant to help it supplement some of the programming the campus has planned for this year.
Additionally, Canutillo Elementary’s third-grade teacher Jeannette Morales – who applied on behalf of her campus to the Extra Yard for Teachers Program – received a $1,000 gift to fund a special project for her students.
Morales and Principal Andrea Esparza welcomed members of the UTEP Track & Field and soccer teams to deliver the news to students. “
We are thrilled to welcome Conference USA, CFP Foundation and UTEP to Canutillo Elementary and to be a part of this movement to celebrate teachers and schools,” said Andrea Esparza, principal at Canutillo Elementary. “The grant we received today will allow us to further our efforts to serve the children of our community and help our students reach their academic goals.”
The CFP Foundation elevates the teaching profession by implementing and supporting activities across four main areas: resources, recognition, recruitment and professional development. The CFP Foundation utilizes multiple partnerships to execute its initiatives and support positive educational outcomes.
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