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Impact Aid

Each year, our school district is required to complete a survey on our federally connected students. This survey assists in determining the district’s allotment of Federal Impact Aid.

The Federal Impact Aid Program provides funding for school districts to support the costs of educating children whose families live on military installations, Indian lands, and other Federal land, or whose parents are employed on Federal property.

Canutillo Independent School District (CISD) relies on this funding to provide continued, high-quality instruction for our family-connected students. Without the completion of these surveys, our district loses the available funding for our military students.

This program was created to provide financial assistance to school districts that have lost property tax revenue due to tax-exempt Federal property.

Thank you, in advance, for completing the survey, either online or for completing the paper form. By working together, we can ensure that we continue to provide our students with a high-quality of instruction.