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Message from Board President Patsy Mendoza - May 5

Posted on 05/05/2023

Schools in the Canutillo Independent School District this week began celebrating the men and women who have played a critical role in making us the Best Small District in Texas and El Paso’s only Triple-A Rated School District: our teachers. It is Teacher Appreciation Week and I have been having a blast watching on social media how everyone at our schools is honoring our teachers. From special meals and gifts to surprise visits and even dances, our campuses sure know how to treat our teachers well.

I know some schools will continue the celebrations next week, and frankly I am so happy that we get two weeks of honoring teachers. Frankly, they deserve to be recognized all year long! Thanks for all you do. On behalf of the entire Board of Trustees, I want to wish you the most amazing of Teacher Appreciation Weeks.

Another group that is getting some recognition this week are our amazing cafeteria workers. May 5 is School Lunch Hero Day, and we have some amazing super heroes here in Canutillo. The ladies and gentlemen who work in our cafeterias make miracles happen and they are often the first staffers to greet our students in the morning. They help to provide a healthy meal to our kiddos, some of whom will not get any other meal other than ones they receive in our schools.

Thank you, CISD Child Nutrition employees, for making a difference in the lives of our families. You’re deeply appreciated.

Lastly, I want to congratulate three individuals who received a special prize last week. Congratulations to Davenport Elementary School custodian Gerardo Amaya for being named the 2023 CISD Auxiliary Employee of the Year. Way to go to Damian Elementary School fourth-grade teacher Myla Dayrit for being named the 2023 CISD Elementary Teacher of the Year. And felicidades to Canutillo High School teacher Bruce Hoang for being named the 2023 CISD Secondary Teacher of the Year.

What an amazing group of educators! They represent the best of the best here in the District. We are so lucky to have them as part of our family.

¡Viva Canutillo!

Patricia Mendoza
Board of Trustees
Canutillo Independent School District