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Prioritizing Public Education

Message from Board President Patsy Mendoza - Feb. 24

Posted on 02/24/2023

Dear Canutillo Familia,

The Texas Legislature is beginning its bi-annual session this year with many important topics to discuss. Texas lawmakers, the state representatives and senators we elect to represent us in Austin, will have a lot of tough decisions ahead of them. We wish them good luck and ask that they keep Texas schools and students in mind when they tend to the important business of running the state.

To that end, several Canutillo ISD trustees joined school board members from throughout Texas in the Capitol earlier this week to meet one-on-one with state legislators and advocate on behalf of public education. Trustees Breanne Barnes, Lucy Borrego, Armando Rodriguez, Bobby Simental, Blanca Trout and Cindy Zuñiga spent the day talking to members of the El Paso delegation as well as other high-ranking officials about the needs in Canutillo. I want to thank these board members for taking the time to do this. We know how important it is to make a personal connection to the legislators in order to get the job done, and that working in partnership with state lawmakers can yield great results.

I also want to thank state representatives Joe Moody, Claudia Ordaz, Lina Ortega and Mary Gonzalez, as well as State Sen. Cesar Blanco, for welcoming the Canutillo team into their offices and giving us an earnest chance to outline our concerns and desires. Canutillo ISD joins the rest of the state in asking the state to spend more of the surplus in funding Texas has in public education. Of particular interest to CISD is funding for infrastructure projects and the student programming. Of course, we’re also keeping a close eye on efforts to divert state funding away from schools and toward school vouchers.

We look forward to working with state lawmakers and any other entity that wants to do its share to help Texas students and teachers.

In other news, I want to invite the public to join us at 6 p.m. on Tuesday for the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Board has plenty of important topics to discuss. You can view the agenda here:

Before I close out this message I want to wish the Canutillo High School Boys Basketball Team good luck as they head into the area round of the playoffs in Andrews, Texas, tonight. We are all rooting for you. Go Eagles!

¡Un abrazo fuerte! 

Patsy Mendoza
Canutillo ISD
Board of Trustees