Red Ribbon Week
Message from Board President Patsy Mendoza - Oct. 27
Posted on 10/27/2023
Dear Canutillo Familia,
I am excited to reflect on the fantastic district-wide celebrations for Red Ribbon Week that have taken place, and I am truly inspired by the unwavering commitment of our students and staff to remain drug-free. Red Ribbon Week is a time to not only have fun but also to emphasize the importance of a drug-free future for our students, who are the heart and soul of our community.
It has been wonderful to witness the enthusiasm and engagement throughout our district during Red Ribbon Week. The spirit of unity and positivity was evident in the fun dress-up days, engaging presentations and special contests that brought our students and staff together in a collective pledge to live healthy, drug-free lives. This week has not only been a time for celebration but a reminder of the incredible potential we have as a community when we stand together for a common cause.
Even more significant is the lasting impact of Red Ribbon Week – the reinforcement of our shared commitment to a drug-free future. This commitment is not just limited to one week, but it is a year-round, lifelong endeavor. It is a promise we make to our children and ourselves to keep Canutillo ISD moving forward as El Paso's community of the future.
In a world where our students face various challenges and temptations, it is heartening to see that we are fostering a culture of resilience and determination. Together, we are equipping our young minds with the tools they need to make wise choices, stand strong against peer pressure, and pave the way for a future free from the harmful effects of drugs.
As we celebrate Red Ribbon Week, let's remember that each small step we take in the right direction contributes to a brighter and healthier future for our students. Together, we can ensure that our community remains a beacon of hope, progress, and opportunity.
I'd like to remind our community that the Canutillo ISD Board of Trustees will have its regular monthly meeting at 6 PM on Monday, October 30. This month, we decided to shift the meeting to Monday instead of the traditional Tuesday to allow our families to enjoy trick-or-treating on Halloween night. Costumes are not only welcomed at this meeting but encouraged! It's a fun way to combine our responsibilities with a bit of Halloween spirit.
Your participation in these meetings is highly valued, as it allows us to work together on the issues that matter most to our community. Your input, insights, and feedback are essential as we make decisions that shape the future of our school district.
I look forward to seeing you at our meeting and celebrating the commitment of our students and staff to a drug-free future during the remainder of Red Ribbon Week. Together, we can continue to be a source of strength and resilience for our young learners.
Thank you for your dedication to our district, and I wish you all a safe and enjoyable Halloween!
¡Un fuerte abrazo!
Patricia Mendoza
Canutillo Independent School District Board of Trustees