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Thrive & Achieve

Message from Board President Patsy Mendoza - Oct. 20

Posted on 10/20/2023

Dear Canutillo Familia,

The Canutillo ISD Safety & Security Committee had a productive meeting this week to address important issues impacting the District. Although most of the discussions for this committee are conducted in executive session to protect the sensitive plans that safeguard our students and staff, we did open up part of the meeting to welcome parents who had concerns following the rash of fights last month at Canutillo High School.

The conversations we had were at times difficult, but they were necessary. In the end, however, we all walked away feeling hopeful that the partnerships we have created will benefit us all.

Here are some takeaways from the meeting:

The safety and security of our students are of utmost importance to us, and we recognize the apprehension that has arisen following the recent incidents at Canutillo High School. We understand your concerns, and we are fully committed to taking the necessary steps to address them.

I am pleased to inform you that Canutillo High School has worked diligently to develop new monitoring protocols that have proven successful in preventing and addressing discipline issues. These measures are essential to ensure a safer and more secure learning environment for our students.

We appreciate the heightened parental involvement that has resulted from recent incidents. Your engagement and support are vital to creating a safe and conducive learning environment for our students. We welcome and encourage more parents to volunteer their time and skills to strengthen our collective efforts in achieving this goal.

In collaboration with local law enforcement, we continue to work closely with El Paso police authorities to identify students involved in criminal activities both on and off campus. This partnership is crucial in maintaining a safe and secure campus for all students.

We are actively developing protocols that will allow students and parents to report any instances of illegal activity. Open lines of communication are essential in ensuring that every concern is addressed promptly and appropriately.

In closing, I want to emphasize that the Canutillo ISD is fully committed to the safety and well-being of our students. We understand the apprehensions and concerns of our parents, students and the community, and we want to assure you that we are taking decisive steps to address these issues.

We know we can do better, and we are working together to do just that. The recent incidents at Canutillo High School have emphasized the need for proactive measures and increased community involvement. Our goal is to create a safe and nurturing environment where every student can thrive and achieve their full potential.

We are grateful for the trust you place in us, and we will continue to update you on our progress. Thank you for your continued support and collaboration in making Canutillo ISD a safe and welcoming place for our students to learn and grow.

¡Un fuerte abrazo!

Patricia Mendoza
School Board President
Canutillo Independent School District