Welcome Student Advisors
Message from Board President Patsy Mendoza - Aug. 11
Posted on 08/11/2023
Dear Canutillo Familia,
As elected trustees, the Canutillo school board is tasked with making difficult decisions that impact our students, employees and taxpayers. The members of the Board vary in background and experience, but for the most part all of us are parents or former parents of CISD students and – of course – we are taxpayers in the District. One voice that is critically left out of most school boards, however, is that of the student. Canutillo is not like most school districts, though, and we are proud to be the only district in Texas to have two student advisors sit alongside the Board of Trustees to give input and engage in discussion of the very issues that affect them and their classmates.
We began the Student Advisory Board last year with two amazing leaders from Canutillo High School and Northwest Early College. Their contributions to our discussions were always insightful and valued. That’s why we are thrilled to continue this program this school year by welcoming two new Canutillo ISD Student Advisors to the Board of Trustees.
Superintendent Dr. Pedro Galaviz met with the two leaders selected to represent the students of Canutillo ISD. They are Gustavo Ayala from Canutillo High School and Paris Gastelum from Northwest Early College.
Paris and Gus will begin their term at this month’s regular board meeting on Aug. 22 and will sit with us Board members at the dais every month after that. They’ll be able to engage and contribute their ideas and opinions on any of the items on the agendas we discuss, and we will look to them for guidance as we take votes on issues affecting students and schools. While Paris and Gus are ex-officio members of the Board and therefore can’t legally vote on any item before us, their input is invaluable and will surely have a strong influence in how we vote.
During their meeting with Dr. Galaviz, Paris and Gus showed tremendous excitement and desire to make a difference in Canutillo. Their leadership is contagious and I can’t help but feel proud to have student leaders of this caliber in our schools.
On behalf of the entire Board of Trustees, I want to welcome Paris and Gus on board. I also want to encourage other school boards in the area to consider taking the step of adding student advisors to their Board. It’s well worth it and the difference it makes will make you a better school district and a better board.
Have a wonderful weekend.
¡Un fuerte abrazo!
Patricia Mendoza
Canutillo ISD Board of Trustees